The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
Understanding and Responding to Victims
Every day, young people are deceived, manipulated, coerced and forced into the commercial sex industry. This multi-billion dollar industry targets the most vulnerable individuals in our communities. The Understanding and Responding to Victims Training gives service providers, law enforcement, and community members the tools needed to better serve this marginalized population.
Date: Monday September 30 , 2019
Time: 8: 30a Registration/Breakfast
9: 00a 3:30p Training
(Lunch Break Mid Day)
Location: Berkshire Community College
1350 West Street
Pittsfield, MA
Registration Fee: Free! Lunch and Continental Breakfast included
Register by Monday September 15th , 201 9
April Zaragoza
Berkshire County Kids’ Place
(413) 499-2800 EXT 11 4
Participants will have the opportunity to:
Understand the local and national picture of commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC)
Gain knowledge on how to recognize a pimp and common recruitment tactics used to groom our youth.
Understand the impact of commercial sexual exploitation on the mind, body and soul.
Utilize the Stages of Change Model in working with commercially sexually exploited youth.
Understanding your role in identifying victims and responding to disclosures.
My Life My Choice is a nationally recognized, groundbreaking survivor led program aimed at reaching youth most vulnerable to commercial sexual exploitation. Founded in 2002, My Life My Choice provides a unique continuum of prevention, victim identification, and intervention services.